820 Almshouse Road
       Ivyland, PA 18974
(215) 357- 6998

Bible Study


Prophets of the Old Testament and Letters of Paul


Disciple III Fast Track Remember Who You Are: Think you know all about the Old Testament Prophets?  And why should you care anyway? You may be surprised!

January 18, 2023, Wednesdays from 7 - 9 p.m.

12-week course
Facilitator - Ken Lee
This is a comprehensive study with daily scripture readings.
Please contact the office by phone (215) 357- 6998 or send an email if you plan to attend.
To order your books, click here.  



Zoom Bible Study

Every Tuesday Morning | 11:00am


For more than three years many of us have been meeting on Zoom to learn and discuss Christian topics. The topics are all short term, allowing you to pick and choose areas of interest for you. The topics include Bible themes, sermons of great interest, topical Christian issues, and an occasional guest speaker.



Get the Schedule of Discussion Topics/Dates here


 If you are interested send an email to Paul Henry.


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